113 research outputs found

    Attentes de motivation et comportements différenciés de l'enseignant d'Éducation Physique et Sportive à l'égard de ses élèves : une étude en contexte naturel d'enseignement.

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    International audiencePrevious research set in both educational and sport settings has examined the relationship between, teacher's and coach's expectancies and differential behaviors issued to students and athletes. The purpose of the present study was to extend this line of research by analyzing consequences of a not much studied pre-existing expectation (i.e., non induced) – the one related to motivation – on the frequency, content, and style (i.e., controlling vs. autonomy-supportive) of interactions between PE teacher and his pupils. 144 pupils and their teachers from 7 classes were examined during physical education classes. The teacher's expectancies were assessed at the beginning of the academic cycle. Teacher-students interactions were taped and systematically coded with two instruments at 4 different occasions. Results showed that teacher's expectancies were related (1) positively to technical instruction and autonomy-supportive style, and (2) negatively to negative affective feedback and controlling style. These different dimensions could constitute important mediators of Pygmalion effect in PE.Le rôle des attentes du superviseur (e.g., enseignant d'EPS, entraîneur) sur les comportements qu'il manifeste à l'égard des supervisés (e.g., élèves, athlètes), est un thème qui a été largement appréhendé en contexte éducatif et sportif. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étendre cette ligne de recherche en analysant les conséquences d'une attente préexistante (i.e., non induite) peu étudiée – celle relative à la motivation – sur la fréquence, le contenu, et le style motivationnel (i.e., contrôlant vs. soutenant l'autonomie) des interactions qu'un enseignant d'EPS entretient avec les élèves. 144 élèves issus des 7 classes et leurs enseignants ont été observés en cours d'EPS. Les attentes de l'enseignant ont été mesurées au début de la séquence d'enseignement. Les interactions enseignant – élève ont été enregistrées durant 4 leçons, et codées à l'aide de deux instruments. Les résultats montrent que les attentes de l'enseignant sont associées (1) positivement aux informations techniques et à un style soutenant l'autonomie, et (2) négativement aux feedback affectifs négatifs et à un style contrôlant. Ces différentes dimensions pourraient constituer des médiateurs importants de l'effet Pygmalion en EPS

    Evolutionary Latent Class Clustering of Qualitative Data

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    The latent class model or multivariate multinomial mixture is a powerful model for clustering discrete data. This model is expected to be useful to represent non-homogeneous populations. It uses a conditional independence assumption given the latent class to which a statistical unit is belonging. However, whereas a predictive approach of cluster analysis from qualitative data can be easily derived from a fully Bayesian analysis with Jeffreys non informative prior distributions, it leads to a criterion (the integrated completed likelihood derived from the latent class model) that proves difficult to optimize by the standard approach based on the EM algorithm. An Evolutionary Algorithms is designed to tackle this discrete optimization problem, and an extensive parameter study on a large artificial dataset allows to derive stable parameters. A Monte Carlo approach is used to validate those parameters on other artificial datasets, as well as on some well-known real data: the Evolutionary Algorithm seems to repeatedly perform better than other standard clustering techniques on the same data

    Parameter Setting for Evolutionary Latent Class Clustering

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    International audienceThe latent class model or multivariate multinomial mixture is a powerful model for clustering discrete data. This model is expected to be useful to represent non-homogeneous populations. It uses a conditional independence assumption given the latent class to which a statistical unit is belonging. However, it leads to a criterion that proves difficult to optimise by the standard approach based on the EM algorithm. An Evolutionary Algorithms is designed to tackle this discrete optimisation problem, and an extensive parameter study on a large artificial dataset allows to derive stable parameters. Those parameters are then validated on other artificial datasets, as well as on some well-known real data: the Evolutionary Algorithm performs repeatedly better than other standard clustering techniques on the same data

    Climat motivationnel instauré par l’enseignant et implication des élèves en classe : l’état des recherches

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    Cet article a pour objectif de présenter l’état des recherches sur les pratiques enseignantes et leurs effets sur la motivation des élèves. Effectuée principalement dans le cadre de deux paradigmes théoriques – la théorie de la motivation à l’accomplissement et la théorie de l’autodétermination – la recension de ces travaux montre d’une part les conséquences positives d’un climat de maîtrise et les effets controversés d’un climat de compétition, et d’autre part les bienfaits d’un style soutenant l’autonomie des élèves au contraire d’un style contrôlant. Néanmoins, l’application à la classe des principes éducatifs issus de ces études, requiert de la part des enseignants une certaine prudence. La complexité du contexte naturel d’enseignement par rapport aux situations étudiées en laboratoire, les contraintes qui s’imposent à l’enseignant, qui réduisent sa liberté pédagogique et qui le poussent à être contrôlant envers ses élèves, ainsi que les limites méthodologiques des études par questionnaire, constituent les principales réserves à avoir quant à la validité écologique de ces recherches.The purpose of this article is to report current research work on teachers’ behaviours in class and their effects on the students’ learning activities. The gathering of those studies was done mainly within the framework of two theoretical paradigms: the theory of motivation through a sense of accomplishment and the theory of students’ self-determination. It shows first the positive consequences of completely mastered environments and the debated effects of competitive environments, and then the benefits of the styles supporting the students’ autonomy; contrary to assessment-oriented styles. Nevertheless, applying the teaching principles derived from those studies to class teaching requires the teachers to be careful. The complexity of true teaching environments compared to situations developed in laboratory, the constraints on teachers that reduce their teaching freedom and make them be more assessment-oriented, and the methodological limits of questionnaire studies, give no guarantee as to the ecological validity of such research work.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el estado de las investigaciones sobre los comportamientos del docente en clase y sus efectos sobre las actividades de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Realizadas principalmente en el marco de dos paradigmas teóricos– la teoría de la motivación a la realización y la teoría de la autodeterminación– la comparación de estos trabajos muestra por una parte las consecuencias positivas de un clima de dominio y los efectos controversiados de un clima de competición, y por otra parte los beneficios de un estilo que sostiene la autonomía de los alumnos a la inversa de un estilo que controla. Sin embargo, la aplicación a la clase de los principios educativos procedentes de esos estudios, requiere cierta prudencia por parte de los docentes. La complejidad del contexto natural de docencia en comparación con las situaciones estudiadas en laboratorio, las coacciones que se imponen al docente y reducen su libertad pedagógica y lo inducen a ser censor para con sus alumnos, así como los límites metodológicos de los estudios por cuestionario, constituyen las principales reservas que hay que tener en cuanto a la validez ecológica de estas investigaciones.Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, den Stand der Forschung über das Verhalten des Lehrers in der Klasse und deren Auswirkungen über die Lernaktivitäten der Schüler vorzustellen. Im Rahmen zweierlei theoretischer Paradigmen durchgeführt, – die Theorie der Motivierung zum Handeln und die Theorie der Selbstbestimmung – zeigt die Rezension dieser Forschungsarbeiten zwei Aspekte : einerseits die positiven Folgen eines Klimas der Beherrschung und die bestrittenen Folgen eines Klimas des Wettkampfes ; und andererseits die positiven Auswirkungen einer Unterrichtsmethode, die die Autonomie der Schüler fördert (im Gegensatz zu einer kontrollierenden Methode). Jedoch verlangt die Anwendung in der Klasse der aus diesen Forschungsarbeiten hervorgehenden erzieherischen Prinzipien eine gewisse Vorsicht von den Lehrern. Erstens die Komplexität des natürlichen Unterrichtskontextes im Vergleich mit den im Labor bearbeiteten Situationen, zweitens die sich dem Lehrer aufbürdenden Zwänge, die die pädagogische Freiheit einschränken und die ihn dazu führen, eine kontrollierende Unterrichtsmethode gegenüber seinen Schülern zu benutzen, und drittens die methodologischen Grenzen der über Fragebögen geführten Forschungsarbeiten sind die Hauptbedenken, die man gegenüber der ökologischen Gültigkeit dieser Forschungen äußern kann

    Anisotropic super-attenuation of capillary waves on driven glass interfaces

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    Metrological AFM measurements are performed on the silica glass interfaces of photonic band-gap fibres and hollow capillaries. The freezing of attenuated out-of-equilibrium capillary waves during the drawing process is shown to result in a reduced surface roughness. The roughness attenuation with respect to the expected thermodynamical limit is determined to vary with the drawing stress following a power law. A striking anisotropic character of the height correlation is observed: glass surfaces thus retain a structural record of the direction of the flow to which the liquid was submitted

    Evolutionary Latent Class Clustering of Qualitative Data

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    The latent class model or multivariate multinomial mixture is a powerful model for clustering discrete data. This model is expected to be useful to represent non-homogeneous populations. It uses a conditional independence assumption given the latent class to which a statistical unit is belonging. However, whereas a predictive approach of cluster analysis from qualitative data can be easily derived from a fully Bayesian analysis with Jeffreys non informative prior distributions, it leads to a criterion (the integrated completed likelihood derived from the latent class model) that proves difficult to optimize by the standard approach based on the EM algorithm. An Evolutionary Algorithms is designed to tackle this discrete optimization problem, and an extensive parameter study on a large artificial dataset allows to derive stable parameters. A Monte Carlo approach is used to validate those parameters on other artificial datasets, as well as on some well-known real data: the Evolutionary Algorithm seems to repeatedly perform better than other standard clustering techniques on the same data

    The effect of an intervention to improve newly qualified teachers’ interpersonal style, students motivation and psychological need satisfaction in sport-based physical education

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    Recent developments in self-determination theory research in the educational setting (e.g., Reeve, Deci, & Ryan, 2004), suggest that teachers’ interpersonal style should be considered as consisting of three dimensions: autonomy-support, structure and interpersonal involvement. Based on this theoretical proposition, the purpose of the present study was to test the effects of a training program for three physical education newly qualified teachers on the aforementioned teachers’ overt behaviors and students’ psychological needs satisfaction, self-determined motivation and engagement in sport-based physical education. After a baseline period of four lessons, the teachers attended an informational session on adaptive student motivation and how to support it. The training program also included individualized guidance during the last four lessons of the cycle. Results revealed that from pre- to post-intervention: (1) teachers managed to improve their teaching style in terms of all three dimensions, and (2) students were receptive to these changes, as shown by increases in their reported need satisfaction, self-determined motivation and engagement in the class

    Hollow-core fibers with reduced surface roughness and ultralow loss in the short-wavelength range

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    While optical fibers display excellent performances in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet ranges remain poorly addressed by them. Obtaining better fibers for the short-wavelength range has been restricted, in all fiber optics, by scattering processes. In hollow-core fibers, the scattering loss arises from the core roughness and represents the limiting factor in reducing their loss regardless of the fiber cladding confinement power. To attain fibers performing at short wavelengths, it is paramount developing means to minimize the height variations on the fiber microstructure boundaries. Here, we report on the reduction of the core surface roughness of hollow-core fibers by modifying their fabrication technique. In the novel process proposed herein, counter directional gas fluxes are applied within the fiber holes during fabrication to attain an increased shear rate on its microstructure. The effect of the process on the surface roughness has been quantified by optical profilometry and the results showed that the root-mean-square surface roughness has been reduced from 0.40 nm to 0.15 nm. The improvement in the fiber core surface quality entailed fibers with ultralow loss in the short-wavelength range. We report on fibers with record loss values as low as 50 dB/km at 290 nm, 9.7 dB/km at 369 nm, 5.0 dB/km at 480 nm, and 1.8 dB/km at 719 nm. The results reveal this new approach as a promising path for the development of hollow-core fibers guiding at short wavelengths with loss that can potentially be orders of magnitude lower than the ones achievable with their silica-core counterparts
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